It’s been a while – welcome back.

This blog has sat untouched, occasionally added to the to-do list, been on the missed deadline list, and been an ‘I should really start that again’ thought for a while now.

I have been through a few things (including being diagnosed and going through treatment for breast cancer)… but more about that another time maybe…

It’s January 2020 and the second-best time to plant a tree (or restart a blog) will always be today.

I see all the New Year, New You posts – the battle to provide some new content about goal setting. The Anti-resolution, the choose one word to guide you, the carve your desires into stone and the write them and burn them posts. They all work and they all don’t work.

This Christmas I was at the beach – it was a wonderful time to think, to walk and to play with some ideas. One morning we walked the long beach. It was early and the shell hunters were out, dressed in their winter beach gear and armed with plastic bags. I’m not really a shell collector, I worry about taking things from nature and then have long discussions with myself (no one else is listening) about how people only want to take the ‘perfect’ shells and the others are just as beautiful. Yes, I’m fun to walk with.

I notice a shell with a perfectly formed hole – I’ve been slightly fascinated by these since I learned that they are from Moon Snails who drill holes into other mollusks with ribbon teeth and suck out the prey. Honestly,  google Moon Snail. I picked it up. As I really looked I noticed more and more shells, as I focused on that little beautifully round hole I saw them everywhere.

And that’s the truth. You find what you focus on. The more you look for that one thing, the more your subconscious will alert you to it. Within ten minutes I could see the tiny holes from further away – my brain knew what I wanted to find.  This will work with healthy living, making money, getting fit, raising jellyfish – whatever you want.

So pick your word, write your resolutions, declare it the year of whatever you want, reject all of the new start mantras, or embrace them – it all works. Focus on what you want and you’ll see it.

Soon you’ll recognize it everywhere.

Like a tiny hole made by Moon Snails.