The creative backlash in London for not being able to use the word ‘Olympic (or any variation of the word)’ ‘London 2012’ or the rings in any business (and many non-business events), is quite a beautiful thing to see. While we all understand the need to protect a brand, it should be protected in the right way, and not by preventing those who are simply joining in the spirit of the event: The baker who was asked to take down the bread rings in their window, the knitters who couldn’t have an event called “Ravelympics” that featured the wonderfully named, bag-n-tote backstroke, balance beads, hand-dye high dive, sock put and weaving vault (they are changing the name). These aren’t knock-off t-shirts taking money away from the organization, they are raving fans.

So back to the backlash: The bit that will make you smile –  A clothing store in South-West London is producing t-shirts with square rings and “Lodnon 2102 Oimplycs” written on it (I can’t find a photo that I have permission to use –link here) and London designers Rizon have produced a range of free, downloadable posters that make me smile. See the full range and learn more on When we come up against rigidity (whether we agree with it or not) there is always a creative way around it – a way that will make people smile, rather than vent. Thank you Rizon and all the others involved in bringing out the creativity in the situation – I would give you a gold medal (that had no reference at all to any sporting event in my favorite city)