I couldn’t stop staring these simple visual puns from Morrisons announcing home delivery in North London (my old stomping ground). Maybe it’s the clever simplicity and maybe I just miss my town. I hope they make you smile too:

*Further explanation after the images for those of you who are still confused.

morrisons_your_up_street_green_lanes_aotw morrisons_up_your_street_mornington_crescent_aotw morrisons_up_your_steet_westminster_lead_aotw morrisons_up_your_street_tottenham_lead_aotw morrisons_up_your_street_finsbury_park_aotw

For those of you who are not from London and are struggling the posters say: Piccalilli (Piccadilly) Circus (Piccalilli is a Indianish relish of chopped pickled vegetables and spices much loved by Brits), Green Lanes (a long culturally diverse road in North London), Mornington Cress-ent (Crescent) – best known from a strange radio game, West Mince-ster, (Westminster) – a London Borough and home to many of the things you think of as London – Big Ben, Houses of Parliament etc, Totten-ham (Tottenham) – an area in North London and the name of the football team I support, Fins-berry Park (Finsbury Park) – an area in North London and a park that I fondly remember for some great gigs.