Karl Lagerfield Amnesty International Dalai Lama Amnesty InternationalAttention grabbing in the best way possible – these anti-torture Amnesty International ads are clever and hard-hitting, however amusing they seem on the surface.

Featuring a beaten Iggy Pop with the words “The future of rock and roll is Justin Bieber”, A bruised Dalai Lama saying “A man who doesn’t have a Rolex by the time he’s 50 has wasted his life.” and a battered Karl Lagerfield, the German fashion designer, quoted as saying “The height of elegance is a Hawaiian shirt and thongs.”

The campaign’s slogan in French is “Torturez un homme et il vous racontera n’importe quoi,” roughly translated to “If you torture a man, he’ll tell you anything.”

This is clever at it’s best. Grabbing your attention, and making you think. By agency, Air Belgium for Amnesty International.