I may not go and see the movie, but who can resist the first look at a new superhero movie. When Zack Synder tweeted a glimpse of the new Batman (Ben Affleck) the creative minds took over the internet – yes, I think Memes like this are a wonderful little creative exercises. Quickly named Sad Batman they photoshopped him into situations explaining why he was so sad. A tumblr quickly appeared at whysosadbatman.tumblr.com. This is creativity. Helped by technology – created by people. It made me smile.

Thank you to whoever did this. The world is safe in your hands.

I hear about this meme on Design Taxi. I’m not cool enough (or on social media enough) to have found this for myself.

All his friends went to Disneyland with their parents…
All his friends went to Disneyland with their parents…
"Batman was our neighbor.  He gave us two soap dolls, a broken watch and chain, a pair of good-luck pennies … and our lives."
“Batman was our neighbor. He gave us two soap dolls, a broken watch and chain, a pair of good-luck pennies … and our lives.”

And of course my favorite (after Friday’s post)…

Favourite park bench was taken.
Favourite park bench was taken.