1.Rainbow Pencils
rainbow pencils

2.Swing bin (the most beautiful bin ever?)
swing bin

3.The art of painting

Clever little things that I’ve found around the web this week.

1. No much explanation needed. These pencils leave you with little rainbows (and smiles) when you sharpen them. I know some children who would sharpen these down to a stump in two minutes. (via the dieline)

2. The swing bin simplified. It’s beautiful, minimalistic and perfect – No screws, gears or wires to tilt the lid. It consists of only two things, a cylinder with a diagonal cut and a lid that fits precisely. I may have to back this on kickstarter.

3. It’s not about the work of art, it’s about the painting itself. A stunning short film (3mins and 7 seconds) that looks at the art of making art. It feels like entering another world. Watch the whole thing below. (via The Fox is Black)

Tone from Trent Jaklitsch on Vimeo.