As you may have read last week we launched the DO GOOD project. I say “we” because something like this is never done by one person alone and if it wasn’t for those who were willing to help, willing to play and willing to donate it would have been just another good idea.

This is not an original idea, people have been doing this for years, but it doesn’t make it any less fun or valid. Ideas don’t always have to be cutting edge shiny and new, they can just be classic – this will turn out differently for everyone who does it.

The idea is this -we are going to give 20 people $50 to DO GOOD. There are only 2 rules. 1. Do Good. 2. Document it. 3.Have fun (it never hurts to slip an extra rule in there somewhere).

We have been very lucky, we have HOME BANK as a sponsor, as well as a whole host of smaller sponsors made up of companies and individuals. We have CARPE DIEM hosting the launch event (a short kick off where we hand out the money) and are working on an end event to celebrate those who played and those who helped. You don’t have to do it this way, you could just get a group of friends together and make this happen, you could give a group of friends $20 each and an hour to give it away, and get back to the coffee shop, you could give your kids $5 each and ask them to choose who to help. You can start them on their route to being the next Steve Jobs by teaching them to use it as seed money and make more from it.

This is a way for us all to remember that giving is one of the best gifts we have available, but be careful it’s addictive.

There is a facebook page set up so you can follow our DO GOOD project, (we kick off on Tuesday) and I’d love to hear about yours, however small or incredibly large.