goodThe people behind The Good Virus are conducting an experiment – in kindness.

It’s very simple and beautifully complex – based on the premiss that people are easily influenced by what others say and do and that therefore social influence is one of the most effective ways to change behavior.
They are stamping (and asking people to stamp or write) “THIS MONEY HAS BEEN USED FOR GOOD” on one and five dollar bills. As they explain:

“The idea is to use this money for charitable donations. We want to see if the Good Virus effect plays out with money. We’re thinking that if say we give a few dollars to someone who needs food. Then once the money is in circulation, perhaps the next person who gets the bill will read the message and be inspired to spend it on a good cause too, and so on and so on…”

You add the serial number of the bills to their site and when people receive them, they can also add the number and the money is tracked. Will knowing your money has done good make it do more good?

Find out more (and purchase or sponsor a stamp) from their site. – Let’s put a little good into the world.